Thursday, February 15, 2007

Chuc Mung Nam Moi!

Happy Lunar New Year! All this means is another week of wait time for us!

The process goes like this...

Under Vietnamese Law, the referral process is 120 days (excluding identification of an orphan child eligible for intercountry adoption). Of this 120 day period, 90 days is designated for compilation of the baby dossier and 30 days is designated for Review/Approval from the DIA and Province (in 4 steps): 1) DIA approves adoptive family dossier; 2) Province approves Dossier and presents baby dossier to DIA; 3)DIA approves baby dossier and confirms match to the approved family; 4)Provinces approves the family/baby and assigns the hand-over ceremony.

We have completed the 90 day period and are in the 30 day Review/Approval period and have completed step 1. Now our dossier is in the province, but Tet (Lunar New Year) will cause it to sit there an extra few days while the country celebrates.

So, we (not so) patiently wait to hear our travel dates. Hopefully we are only delayed by a week.


Anonymous said...

Good morning mommy & daddy, patience is a virtue....all in good time! Be patient and take this time to enjoy one another and prepare for the arrival of those precious babies. We are anxiously awaiting the word that you are in route to Vietnam...I'm packing a bag to hop on that plane. All our love & prayers, Mama Jim & Papa Jim

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your twins! How exciting. The process you described is interesting, but I'm confused. If the law says there is a 120 day referral process, how can you expect to travel before that 120s days is up? Did I do the math wrong? Your babies were abandoned on Dec assuming the officials started the process that very day, then the very earliest the process could be completed and a G&R set would be April 8th. So I must be misunderstanding something. Does this process apply to all agencies? Thanks for helping clarify. And congrats again!!

Solbergs said...

Hi Melinda, I've been told that the process can take "up to" 120 days. This isn't always the case, but I think it is the maximum time officials take to prepare the baby dossier. Different agencies give their referrals in different orders sometimes. Some give referrals without having the baby dossier completely ready, while others wait until the baby dossier is ready before giving referrals. I've heard that this is mainly provincial meaning it really depends on what province your agency deals with as each province can be slightly different. I've also heard that some agencies don't want you to start the dossier until you are close to receiving a referral, so that your dossier doesn't "expire". Hope this helps! Are you in the process?