Saturday, April 21, 2007


Apparently there are 3 certainties in life right now: death, taxes, and DELAYS!

Yes, we are delayed.
Yes, it sucks.

No, we aren't going to kill each other and make death, taxes, and delays happen all in the same week.
No, we aren't that surprised. Our agency has been very good at explaining the circumstances.
No, we aren't giving up.

It looks like the ceremony will now be in May, perhaps towards the end of May.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!


Jo said...

What is it about adoption delays????? It can push you over the edge, keep hanging tight.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry. I know even if you understand why something is happening it can still be so frustrating. You have such a great attitude about everything and I know your time is coming!

Mrs.B said...

ugh! you are right, it does suck big time! I really admire your strength. Keep your chin up.

Stephanie said...

Hang in there! Delays stink, but the prize at the end is really worth it!


jenn said...

Delays really suck. Hoping this is the end of delays for you.