Saturday, March 17, 2007

Ho Hum

Well, we are mentally set to go, but are fully anticipating a delay. The families that traveled before us were planning for a G&R on Wednesday, but are still waiting for the ceremony to actually take place. They are hopeful for Monday, but it may be Tuesday before they get their babies. (Keep them in your thoughts.) All part of the ride, I guess.

My only hope is that we find out about the delay before we travel rather than after. We have the luxury of being pretty flexible with our flights, so hopefully an upfront delay doesn't affect us too much. Here's hoping to no delay. On a positive note, our agency has spoken with the DIA and there are no other bigger concerns at play. All of our paperwork & the babies paperwork has been cleared. It is simply a matter of scheduling at the provincial level (or at least that is what we can figure).

Hopefully we will know more early next week. Will keep everyone posted.

1 comment:

jenn said...

That province is notoriouse for these delays...very frustrating!
Hoping travel comes soon and that all goes smooth.