Friday, March 23, 2007


Since our pets are about to take a backseat to two little girls, I thought I would give them the spotlight for now. We love our dogs & cat. Everyone thought we were nuts for bringing them to Hong Kong, but I don't know what I would do without them. They are always happy to see us and comfort us when we are down. I think Nelly has frightened the whole Southside at one point or another, but that's part of the fun. Enjoy the pics of Nelly, Norma & Willis.


Jo said...

Pets are always so helpful with packing!!!!

Jo said...

Good call, Shelby is a cross between English and American. I just call her my Bulldog, since it covers all my bases!!

I got her from a family who did not want her anymore because "she sheds to much" they traveled to South Carolina to get her from breeder that had crossed the 2 breeds a while ago and came up with my Shelby dog.... Word is so they don't have the breathing problems the English do but, Shelby can snore like a train!!!!

She is almost 9 now, we have had her for 5 years. She is our first love.

Enough about dogs.... Your Twins are SOOOOO cute!!!! I hope you get to get them soon. Being in Hong Kong that should make for a much shorter plane ride with new babies, lucky ducks!!!!