Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Times Two.

Now we are on number 5,6 carseats. Mothercare did agree to exchange my carseats after I explained to them that any mistake I made in purchasing items from them was amplified times two, given their ridiculous return policy. Trying another one now, the Maxi-Cosi Cabrio. After I made the sales lady walk it out to my car to make sure it fit, we are now carseat owners again. Someone needs to introduce Hong Kong to a "no questions asked" return policy. All this crap is made out here, so it's not like they have massive stocking issues. The problem is that all the brands are either UK, Aussie or US, which means they have to ship from there.

My other rant relating to China is the pollution it is causing in this area. The haze was awful today in Hong Kong! We are supposed to be moving out of the cooler, cloudy/hazy days into the hotter than hell, but at least clear days. I honestly don't think it is going to clear out this year. When does it end?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I don't know what your defect is, but have you tried Babies R Us? If you don't get these Ferrari car seat, you will be judged to be a bad dad.

Check it out - the Babies R Us out in the Man Yee Bldg. is open. (take Central Station Exit 'C'). You can't miss it.

PS -- The Jeff Gordon autograph Lil' Rainbow Racer Car seats are sold out -- won't be in stock for months...