Saturday, June 09, 2007

Life with Two

It's almost 8pm and (gasp!) I am about to watch a movie. Today was pretty uneventful. I had to run some errands and get some food for the girls who are chowing down on baby food. Also had to get some more diapers -- you have no idea how many diapers we go through in a day (well, Jenn knows!). No news from the Embassy yet, so we wait into next week it seems. The girls are doing good, we are up to 3 meals a day and loving every last bite. Audrey wasn't too keen on apples and bananas, but loved the pears. Quynh only takes 30 minute naps, so she can get pretty crabby around bedtime. Bedtime is still around 6:30ish and they are still waking at 1a and 5a. It seems to be a pattern that I can live with for a while. Other than that, everything is going well. They are handling the baths a lot better now, not so petrified of being in water, but not quite sure they like it either.

Wit is feeling better, so that is good news.


Mrs.B said...

Sounds like you are getting a handle on things girl! You will be a pro and give out advice to other twin Ap's before you know it. Glad to hear Wit is feeling better. uummmm new pictures????I wanna see new pictures:)

jenn said...

Ours hated baths too, as in shook and screamed! You know though, once we got home they were fine...strange to see them splash and kick in their first bath at home. You go through a TON of wipes and diapers, don't you. I kept thinking, "oh this travel thing will be alright for a day out"...yeah right! And bibs, I bet we own a good 40 bibs and we fly through them in no time.
Sounds like it is going good, hope you hear from the embassy soon...adoption is so full of waiting for htis or that, isn't it.