Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Medicals & Passports

Today I picked up their VN passport, which was quick and easy.

This afternoon, we had our medical evaluations. Everything went really well. Quynh is 13 lbs and Audrey is 16 lbs. Audrey is 2 cm longer than Quynh, but Quynh's head is slightly bigger than Audrey's. Both had clear lungs, regular heartbeats and no temps. All in all, it was quick and painless and they were great.

We are now officially done with all other stuff and just waiting on our call from the Embassy.

As for tonight, they don't do well after long days. Plus I woke both of them up from a nap for their medical visits. We did introduce baby food instead of cereal tonight and it was a HUGE hit. It might have stained everything all of us had on, but oh well - more went in than not. It was Hipp Vegetables with Rice, didn't smell too bad either. They drained an entire jar between the two of them and it was a bigger jar than normal baby food jars!


Mama Jim said...

My precious baby advice would be to try the mid-day feeding of something substantial like the veggies w/rice cereal and push back their nighttime meal to around 6ish, then a bottle before bedtime around 7:30 - 8:00 and hope for the best. It's not unusual for them to NOT be sleeping thru the night, but WOW what a relief when it happens!! I'm so proud of you and the way you have handled things thus far; the changes those precious little girls have made with all your's and Wit's love and care is amazing.
If you haven't tried a paci at night you might see if it's just a sucking thing or if it's actually hunger...just a suggestion. You'll be amazed at how soon after you finally get home and on a "real" schedule things settle the meantime we are patiently awaiting your arrival in Texas. The fam is full of questions, anticipation and just plain "want to see them" issues. Keeping you all in our prayers, all our & dad (aka mama jim & papa jim)

Anonymous said...

Those are some beautiful, happy babies.

stollmyheart said...

Oh, I wish I had some advice for you regarding their sleeping and eating, but I'll be the one looking to you for those answers! I'm glad the medical exams went so well! I love following your trip!

Genny said...

Well, Traci didn't sleep through the night until she was 12 (years old that is) so I can't offer too much advice on the sleeping. However, Shelly was so fond of the bottle that she woke through the night just for that and the DR said to try water and before long, she stopped waking for the 12 - 1 bottle. You may try that before the crying it out...that is not a lot of fun even when you are not in close quarters. The pictures are wonderful and you all look very natural. As your mom said, "just plain want to see you all". Hope Wit is feeling better. We continue to pray for you daily and hope that you are seeking strength from God. I know we will see you soon, God Bless you and God's Speed from my heart to yours, RU